Namrata, the wife of Telugu Superstar Mahesh Babu, who is an active user of social media sites, took to her Instagram to share pics of her daughter Sitara with Mahesh Babu. Coming on the pic, Mahesh Babu is seen trying to talk things out with Sitara.
Star wife Namrata said, “The classic case where the father tries to reason with the child, finally giving up n giving in to all of her demands.” Coming on the next pic, Mahesh Babu is seen giving up and giving in to all of her demands.
The fans of Mahesh Babu flooded the post with their comments and reactions to these pictures.A number of people left heart and kiss emojis on the pics post, shared by Namrata.
A number of people showered the actor and his daughter with much love and warm regards.Several fans are gushing over Mahesh Babu.
Previously, Namrata had posted a pic of herself when she with daughter Sitara were out on a shopping spree. The former beauty queen had revealed in the caption of the post that Sitara pulled her out of her “cozy cacoon” to shop.
The duo twinned in a white t-shirt and tied their hair back in a ponytail.