Former Bollywood actress Asin Thottumkal, known for her roles in movies like ‘Ghajini’ and ‘Ready,’ recently shared pictures from her daughter Ari’s 6th birthday celebration on Instagram.In the photos, Ari is seen with her dad, Rahul Sharma, blowing out the candle on a waffle.
As part of the celebration, the family traveled to Paris and also shared a picture of the iconic Eiffel Tower.
Asin tied the knot with Rahul Sharma, the co-founder of Micromax, in January 2016.
Their daughter Ari was born in October 2017.Following Ari’s birth, the couple expressed their joy in an official statement, thanking well-wishers for their support during this special journey.
After her marriage, Asin made the decision to step away from the film industry.Her last film appearance was in the 2015 comedy ‘All Is Well,’ in which she starred alongside Abhishek Bachchan, Rishi Kapoor, and Supriya Pathak.
Throughout her career, Asin was part of several successful Bollywood films, including ‘Ghajini,’ ‘Ready,’ ‘Bol Bachchan,’ and ‘Housefull 2,’ among others.She also made appearances in South Indian films.
Overall, Asin, the popular actress from movies like ‘Ghajini’ and ‘Ready,’ recently celebrated her daughter Ari’s 6th birthday in Paris with husband Rahul Sharma.After their daughter’s birth in 2017, the couple expressed their happiness and decided to take a break from the film industry.Asin’s last film was ‘All Is Well’ in 2015.Despite her departure from acting, she remains fondly remembered for her roles in several hit Bollywood and South Indian movies.