Bollywood actress and producer Sonali Kulkarni has faced backlash on Twitter after making comments at an event regarding modern Indian women.She stated that many women in India are lazy and only seek a well-settled husband, with no interest in contributing to the household finances.
She urged people to raise women who can earn for themselves and contribute to household expenses.
Her comments have been met with mixed reactions on Twitter.
Some men praised her for speaking the “truth,” while many women criticized her for having a myopic perspective.They pointed out that many families in India don’t raise their daughters to build careers but rather to find a good husband, and that many women work hard both outside and inside the home.
Singer Sona Mohaptra noted that many matrimonial ads in India seek “good looking, educated, earning, ‘homely'” women who can take care of in-laws, household duties, and contribute financially.She also criticized Sonali’s comments for being lazy and lacking nuance.
Some Twitter users also pointed out that women may be more willing to contribute financially if men were willing to contribute equally to household chores.In the same interview, Sonali also seemed to be minimizing workplace harassment and suggesting that women should “humble” themselves when facing such issues.
Sonali is a well-known actress who has appeared in popular films such as Dil Chahta Hai and Pyaar Tune Kya Kiya.Her comments have sparked an important discussion about gender roles, financial independence, and societal expectations in India.
And rubbed the working women on the wrong side.