S.korea Suspends Mandatory Pre-departure Covid Test For Inbound Travellers

S.Korea suspends the pre-departure mandatory Covid test for travellers who are inbound.

Seoul 3rd September : South Korea on Saturday abrogated its compulsory pre-departure test Covid-19 for travelers arriving in the country amid an ease in the virus.
However, a requirement for a PCR testing within the first 24-hours of entering South Korea will remain in place, according to Yonhap News Agency.

 S.korea Suspends Mandatory Pre-departure Covid Test For Inbound Travellers-TeluguStop.com

Meanwhile, South Korea’s newest Covid cases remained under 90,000 for the third consecutive day on Saturday.

The country recorded 79,746 new cases of infection which included 323 from outside and bringing the total cases to 23,497,048, Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency (KDCA) stated.

The latest figures are lower by 9,840 from the previous day.It also marks the lowest Saturday count in 6 weeks.

In the last 24 hours the KDCA announced 74 deaths from Covid which puts the death count at 27,014.

Health authorities believe that the virus is currently on the path to slowing down slowly.

However, officials remain cautious of an increase in cases later in the month, since a large number of Koreans are scheduled to travel to their homes during the Chuseok autumn harvest holiday which will be held on September 9-12 this year.

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