Netflix Lines Up Star Cast Of Much-anticipated Films For Fall Calendar

Netflix has announced a star actors of much-anticipated movies for the fall calendar.

Los Angeles, Aug 30 : Noah Baumbach’s black comedy ‘White noise’, multi-award-winning Mexican director Alejandro Inarritu’s film ‘Bardo (Or False Chronicle of a Hundred of Truths) as well as Lindsay Lohan’s romantic comedy , ‘Falling for Christmas’ will premiere on Netflix this fall, according to “Variety”.
The streamer announced on Tuesday that the streaming site revealed the dates for release of these films, and more including “Roald Dahl’s Matilda the Musical’, with Emma Thompson playing the frightening Miss Trunchbull The Swimmers and Mr.Harrigan’s Telephone’, an adaptation of the Stephen King novel by John Lee Hancock.

 Netflix Lines Up Star Cast Of Much-anticipated Films For Fall

Certain of the shows like “Bardo” and “White noise will have limited theatrical run before launch on Netflix While others, like “Falling for Christmas” will be released straight on the streaming service according to ‘Variety’.

“Bardo,” which has been called the “nostalgic comedy” it stars Daniel Gimenez Cacho playing a famous Mexican documentarian and journalist who is forced to return to his home country at a crossroads in his life.

The world premiere of the film will be held at the Venice Film Festival, which starts on August 31st, Wednesday.

“White Noise,” which was adapted from Don deLillo’s 1985 novel, which is a part of “Variety” and is a film that stars Adam Driver as an ostentatious professor of Hitler studies who’s relationship (Greta Gerwig plays his wife) is shattered after an incredibly tragic accident that causes an airborne toxic incident of terrifying and unimaginable scale.The film will be shown during the Venice and New York film festivals before it’s released on Netflix.

Another film that is festival-bound The Swimmers is a drama about refugees which will serve as the feature film opening of the Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF) will be available on Netflix on November 23rd.

Produced by Sally El Hosaini, this true-life drama is about two sisters who fled war-ravaged Syria to go to the Rio Olympics in 2016.Rio Olympics.


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