Mahesh Babu was simultaneously shooting for Spyder and Bharat Ane Nenu in the mid part of this year.Although, Bharath Ane Nenu got a delayed start, it’s not so late than film has to get postponed to late April.
Actress Kiara Advani is not too busy either to disturb the dates balance after a delayed start.Then what is causing delay in Bharath Ane Nenu?
According to whispers in Film Nagar, the project is going through re shoots.Koratala has already rewritten and shot few to several scenes twice now, it is rumoured.If that is true, not really a great sign after the debacle of Spyder.
Even Spyder’s filming got delayed for similar reasons
Investing extra budget is not a big problem for DVV Danayya since it’s a film coming from Mahesh Babu and Koratala Siva.All that this project need is a good talk.Then, sky is the limit.Hopefully, it shapes up well
Bharath Ane Nenu is still on April 27th release going by the last update given by the team.