Close-in: Indian Cricket Gets Derailed And Needs To Be Put Back On Track Expeditiously

CLOSE-IN Indian cricket becomes stalled and must be brought back on track quickly

By Yajurvindra Singh The Indian team in the limited-overs version of the game appeared to be one that seemed to have an advantage over the other teams in the way they played it.The reason for this is the fact that Indian cricket is a huge following in the T20 version.

 Close-in: Indian Cricket Gets Derailed And Needs To Be Put Back On Track

This has inspired and encouraged India to play the game at any time that is convenient.The Indian Premier League (IPL) has been the gimmick which the BCCI is enjoying and cricketers are exploding in the abundance.

Many of them, unfortunately, are the’shooting stars’ who have passed by without being able to make wishes.Each Indian cricketer, no matter if they are established or new, has one goal in mind , and that is to secure an attractive IPL contract.

This is quite normal for cricketers because aside from the financial benefits A good performance could propel one into the Indian side.Players are emerging of every part of India and most successful ones are told that they are the best.

The image that many of them have earned is that they believe they are God-gifted gods who are naturally inclined to play the way they like.

This is the place where Indian cricketers and cricketers get a false impression of themselves, since the players who are established are lavishly treated, while those who are less well-known believe they have earned an enviable status.

The popular belief that India is the supreme power in cricket is not the case in the present in the least, on the field of cricket.The Indian cricket team at multi-nation events has continued to fail since the year 2013.

The cupboard is empty of any recent trophy and one hopes that the Asia Cup 2022 would be the one to kick the Indian cricket team moving forward.

They have fallen short, leaving one to remain in the hope that things will change when they participate in the T20 World Cup in Australia in six weeks from now.However, the famous quote of “Hope is similar to clouds, some pass by, while others pour down seems to be extremely pertinent in the Indian cricket team’s performance.

Inability to qualify for the ODI World Cup in England in 2020, failing to qualify to make it into the final four in the T20 World Cup 2021 and not making it to the final in the Asia Cup 2022 does put even the most dedicated fans into a dilemma.

India is home to the highest number of cricket supporters and fans and is currently the most prosperous of the cricket boards across the globe.The most prestigious amenities of travel, accommodation and practice are at of the of the Indian team, and one is left wondering what stops them from performing well in an international tournament.

India has performed extremely good in this bilateral series.They is currently the top team in the ICC T20 rankings.

They are backed by Rahul Dravid as their coach, and an assistant team that can meet the requirements of their players both at and off the field.

Every one of the cricketers is financially well-paid and have a following on social media of millions of people.

A cricketer today, aside from being a star is also a professional who’s only job is to be a player.

On paper on paper, on paper, the Indian team has an image that almost every nation hopes to be.A bowling and batting squad that one can be jealous of and a seasoned team of cricketers that has proved that they have the capabilities to be the most effective.

One can praise the achievements and records of almost every one of the Indian players.

But, something doesn’t work when playing on a global platform.It isn’t the cricketing abilities that are lacking but more so mental strength.

This is not just relevant to the Indian men’s team, but also the women’s team too.

Some of the such as of Smriti Mandhana Harmanpreet Kaur, Shafali Verma, and Jemimah Rodrigues are also believed to be struggling with mental health issues when they play on a huge stage in India.The reason behind this is due to the word ‘expectation’.

The build-up as well as the media coverage that cricketers have to endure in the modern world have made them into central figures.

This is fantastic in building one’s ego, but can also be a massive burden to carry when they are in middle.

Perhaps the enormous expectations and hopes millions of Indian cricket fans have regarding the brilliance of their cricket heroes of the men’s game could be diminished because of their deficiency of performance and they will be viewed as ordinary cricketers, not those who are absolutely required to win.

The think tank of the Indian team has, fortunately enough, identified the requirement for a performance and mental coach.The well-known Paddy Upton from South Africa who was a participant of the successful Indian World Cup side in 2011 and also the author of “The Barefoot Coach is specifically chosen to do the job.

His knowledge and experience was believed to have a positive impact in the way that Indian players took on the Asia Cup 2022.But, no one could notice any change.

Upton is a key task to complete, since it’s not cricket, but the state of mind that will determine how India performs in the future, and particularly in the T20 World Cup 2022 in Australia and the ODI World Cup 2023 at home.

Another reason behind India’s inability could be the constant cutting and switching of the team members.

India appears to never have a stable team in the middle before any big tournament.The main reason could be due to the numerous possibilities of players to pick from.

This is great for most sides, but it can turn into painful in the real world.There aren’t any one, but a lot of substitutes for each position, and this could be a reason of the players’ uncertainty.

Unfortunately, Indian cricket has gone off the track at moment.But, with the series against South Africa and Australia before the World Cup, one hopes that the Indian players are instilled with positive thoughts of mind.

Indian cricket must be brought back on track promptly.

(Yajurvindra Singh was an ex- India cricketer)


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