Kerala: Second Death Despite Full Course Of Anti-rabies Vaccine Raises Concern

Kerala: Second death , despite the full course of anti-rabies vaccine raises concerns

Thiruvananthapuram 22 August : Another victim died in Kerala even though completing the full course of anti-rabies vaccine, which sent the health authorities into a panic.
A fifty-three-year-old Chandrika from Kozhikode died one month after receiving the vaccine.

 Kerala: Second Death Despite Full Course Of Anti-rabies Vaccine Raises

Chandrika was attacked by a dog that was stray last month , following which she was given the entire course of the anti-rabies vaccination.Everything seemed to be going well until she began complaining of unease earlier this month and was taken at the Kozhikode Medical College hospital.

After 10 days of treatment, she passed away on Saturday.

The state health authorities are currently trying to determine the exact reason of the death by conducting appropriate tests.

A girl of 19 in Palakkad was reported to have died within a month of taking an entire course of anti-rabies vaccination due to a bite from a dog.

Anti-rabies vaccinations are given to all people at no cost in every state-run health centers and hospitals, whereas in private hospitals, there is a significant cost to finish all doses that are prescribed.

Concerns are being raised about the effectiveness of vaccines, particularly those that are for free of cost.

The state health authorities are examining all aspects of the cause of death of Chandrika is currently being examined in depth.


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