YSRTP chief YS Sharmila has received unexpected support for Praja Prasthanam Padayatra.The YCP key leader and TTD chairman YV Subbareddy extended his support for Sharmila’s walkathon.
YS Sharmila walkathon continues in the Rangareddy district.Sharmila walkathon started today from Maheshwaram Mandal in Nagaram.
TTD chairman YV Subbareddy expressed his support for Sharmila’s walkathon.He met YS Sharmila on a walkathon at Nagaram.
When YS Sharmila announced her new party formation in Telangana, speculations are rife that Sharmila had differences with AP CM, YS Jagan.YSRCP key leader Sajjala Ramakrishna Reddy has also stated that Jagan has nothing to do with YS Sharmila’s new party formation in Telangana.
Sajjala Ramakrishna Reddy clarified that YS Jagan said no to YS Sharmila’s new party.Andhra Pradesh state Government adviser Sajjala Ramakrishna Reddy had earlier said that the formation of the party in Telangana was Sharmila’s own decision and YS Jagan had nothing to do with it.
So far, no YCP leaders have spoken in support of YS Sharmila.But recently, YS Sharmila’s paternal uncle and former MP YV Subbareddy extended his support to Sharmila’s walkathon.
Currently, this has become a hot topic in Telangana political circles.