Photos from actress Taapsee Pannu’s Maldives holiday are making the Internet green with envy, including actor Ali Fazal, who went on to drop this comment on her latest post: “Yaar yeh sahi hai.Maine bhi jana hai Maldives.” Taapsee took off to the Maldives with her sisters Shagun and Evania Pannu earlier this week and has been sharing stunning pictures from her vacation since then.In her latest post, she can be seen posing in a multi-colored bikini with a breathtaking view in the background.“When we take the idea of ‘Rise and Shine’ literally! Cameraperson: Our newly discovered director on board, Shagun Pannu,” she hilariously captioned her post.
Check out Taapsee Pannu’s latest picture from the Maldives here:
One of the advantages of vacationing in the Maldives is that you get to have a great photoshoot and Taapsee Pannu is using that opportunity very well.The actress, in her previous post, shared a postcard-worthy picture of herself posing on the beach.“When nature seems to have the best filter… best background….best lighting ….best props… all you can do is not spoil it,” she wrote in the caption.