The romantic film starring Akash Puri, son of Tollywood daring and dashing director Puri Jagannath, will be released on the 29th of this month.On this occasion, the movie trailer was released by Rebel star Prabhas.
During the trailer launch, a video of Prabhas talking exclusively with the film unit was also released.Rebel star Prabhas has released the trailer for the movie.
However, before Puri Jagannath could ask, Prabhas requested that he do his part to help the film in any way.He also said that it would be better to give an exclusive interview instead of just releasing a trailer.Prabhas commented very positively on Akash Puri.Prabhas has a good friendship with Puri Jagannath.In Puri-Prabhas combination films Bujjigadu – Ek Niranjan.Although the films were not as successful as expected at the box office, Prabhas became a good friend of Puri.
Most of all prabhas meets puri regularly, calling him Darling.Due to that bonding, Prabhas, who released the romantic movie trailer, took part in the promotion before asking.
Prabhas, Prabhas about Romantic Trailer, Prabhas Launches Romantic Trailer, Akash Puri Romantic Movie, Romantic Movie Release Date, Romantic Movie Trailer, Puri Jaganandh Son, Prabhas Speech at Romantic Trailer Launch, Prabhas about Akash Puri, Puri Jagannash Emotional, Prabahs Helping Nature, Prabhas about Puri Jaganandh, Darling Prabhas, Prabahs Interview
#Prabhas #AkashPuri #KetikaSharma #RomanticTrailer telugu-title:ప్రభాస్ ఎంత ఎదిగినా ఒదిగే ఉంటాడు.ఇదే సాక్ష్యం
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