Pakistan Seeks ‘india-like ‘ties With The Us

Pakistan seeks ‘India-like ‘ties with the US

New Delhi, Dec 7 : In recent months, Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan has been beseeching the US for civilised relations, as ‘civilised as they are between the US and India.

 Pakistan Seeks ‘india-like ‘ties With The

Notwithstanding the invitation to Biden’s Democracy Summit, his agony may not end soon if the US is not satisfied that Pakistan, the global leader in exporting terror, has renounced its duplicitous ways.

Imran Kan expressed his desire for ‘civilised ties’ with the US in an interview with The New York Times.This newspaper has frequently extended its hospitality to Pakistani leaders to promote their bizarre logic and lies that claim Pakistan is the most peaceful, tolerant, and progressive country on Earth.

The interview did not provide much insight into what Imran Khan thinks the US will do to make bilateral ties ‘civilized’.

Bringing in India to illustrate this point is absurd because the context of India and US relations is different from the context of US-Pakistan ties that were ‘civilised’ during the Cold War era.This is due to the US’s paranoia over the defunct Soviet Union.

Pakistan jumped on the US bandwagon, pretending to support its antiSoviet and antiCommunist diktats.

But in reality, closeness to the US provided Pakistan an easy avenue to arm itself to the teeth while pursuing hostile anti-India policies.

The US played along with the Pakistani deception even after the fall of the Soviet empire.

The US was given a boost by its long-standing military ally after the 9/11 terrorist attacks exposed Pakistan’s role as the global terror hub.

If the US-Pakistan ties had a ‘civilised” element after 9/11, they began to unravel as soon as Pakistan agreed to join in the ‘war against terror’.It doesn’t matter if Pakistan did it at the point-of-the gun.Pakistan was simply not in the position to say no’ when he asked General Pervez Musharraf (then a dictatorship in Pakistan) to join the ’war on terror.

Musharraf, like most Pakistani leaders before and after him, was only paying lip service when he pledged to support the ‘war on terror’ in order to lessen the threat to his country.His true intention was to grab everything, including arms and dollars, the US threw against Pakistan while pretending that he was fighting the ‘war of terror’.

Musharraf and the Pakistanis who led the country after him adopted a policy of blatant dishonesty while participating in the ‘war on terror’.

Pakistan was protecting terrorists it was supposed be hunting.

These were the terrorists that were killing US troops, while Pakistan was hiding behind the façade of fighting against them The Bill Clinton and Barack Obama administrations closed their eyes, even though they knew that Pakistan was cheating.Donald Trump proved to be a completely different kettle of fish.

He slammed Pakistan for its double-crossing and halted military aid.Cash flow was also curtailed.

That was the beginning of the ‘uncivilised’ chapter in US-Pakistan relations, which Imran Khan wants to end without committing Pakistan to an honest relationship with the US – by disowning the manner in which Pakistan had ‘fought’ terrorists.

Despite all the talk about China being Pakistan’s ‘iron brother’, the ‘all weather friend’ and the bravado of Pakistanis that they don’t need America, the fact is just the opposite.

For the elites who rule the feudal and backward-looking state of Pakistan, the US remains a coveted destination.They want to move to Eldorado.

How many Pakistanis, rich and poor, have ever considered moving to China? No, even though Pakistani propaganda spews poison about the US and the West while ignoring the atrocities China commits against its Muslim minorities.The Generals of Pakistan are happier spending time at American training schools than at any other drab Chinese institution.

The American technology and weapons are more attractive to them than anything the Dragon could offer, with the exception of the Chinese weapons of destruction that can be used against India.

Geo-political realities may find the US repairing its relations with Pakistan.

They cannot get worse than they are now.India will be watching with interest what or how the Joe Biden administration initiates steps to usher in ‘civilised’ relations with Pakistan, knowing fully well the roguish predilections of India’s troublesome western neighbour.

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