Mandya (Karnataka), March 12 : The police and agencies deputed to ensure the security of Prime Minister Narendra Modi at Mandya got the T-shirt removed from a boy who had come to attend the public rally on Sunday.
The boy was wearing a black T-shirt and had come to attend the rally with his mother.
The police stopped him and asked his mother to remove his T-shirt as it was black.
The mother removed it and took his son topless inside the premises where the rally was planned.
The mother again put the T-shirt on her boy after passing through the metal detectors.But, the police personnel rushed to her and told her that they can not allow the boy inside with the black T-shirt due to protocols.
The mother had to remove her son’s black T-shirt again and took him inside topless.The police maintained that they could not take chances with the protocols.
#Modis #Ktaka #Security #remove #black #Narendra Modi # Narendra Modi #Mandya #Narendra