Kolkata 12th of September : A couple of days after the Enforcement Directorate (ED) seized the sum of Rs 17.32 crore in cash from the home of the city-based businessman in connection with an app for mobile gaming fraud investigation, West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee echoed her Cabinet colleagues in criticizing the latest central agency operations in the state. “The Union government does not want to see more jobs created.There is a plan to create an ‘Agency Raj’.
There is no development,” the Chief Minister announced at a ceremony to distribute appointment letters to a variety of beneficiaries of the ‘Utkarsh Bangladesh the program to develop skills of the state government in the Netaji Indoor Stadium here.
She also launched an adamant criticism of the Centre regarding the disinvestment of government stakes in public sector organizations.
“The Union government is selling Railways, SAIL and CIL.What will the new jobs be created? In the middle of this Agency Raj we are working to create industries and employment in the state.I am very proud that, after having been trained here, the youngsters of West Bengal are getting job offers from outside.I ask those who are leaving the state to return to the state, as there will be plenty of work opportunities in West Bengal only,” the Chief Minister stated.
She also criticized the opposition parties in the state as well as the media for portraying West Bengal in poor light.
“They always resort to defamation.
If they had pointed out the positive achievements of the government of the state and the people of Bengal and its people would have gained,” Banerjee said.
Since the seizure of large amounts of money in cash by the ED on Saturday, Trinamool Congress leaders have been slamming recent central agency actions in the state.
The counting of notes was being conducted Saturday, the state minister as well as Kolkata Mayor Firhad Hakim had said that the constant raids and searches conducted by central authorities were the result of the Centre and BJP’s strategy to paint West Bengal in poor light.
“Such exaggerated central agency decisions in my opinion, are an attempt to project negative impressions regarding West Bengal to potential investors,” Hakim said.
After that the it was revealed that Trinamool leader Lok Sabha MP Saugata Roy claimed that the ED raids were a deliberate attempt to sever Trinamool of any assistance from the business world in the future.
“This is not just a case in the case of Trinamool Congress.
This can happen in any state that is not controlled by the BJP.The concept is to conduct search and raid operations in the homes of businessmen to ensure that they do not aid the Trinamool in the future,” Roy had said on Saturday.