Days after her office in Mumbai was demolished by the BMC, actor Kangana Ranaut on Friday turned her attention to Congress president Sonia Gandhi saying say she must intervene and stop the harassment of women.
Ranaut, whose comment likening Mumbai to Pakistan occupied Kashmir triggered a spat with Maharashtra’s ruling Shiv Sena, said history would judge Gandhi’s “silence and indifference”.
Sonia’s Congress is in alliance with the Shiv Sena in Maharashtra.
“Dear respected honorable @INCIndia president Sonia Gandhi Ji, being a woman aren’t you anguished by the treatment I am given by your government in Maharashtra? Can you not request your Government to uphold the principles of the Constitution given to us by Dr.Ambedkar,” the actor posted on Twitter.
History will judge your silence and indifference when your own Government is harassing women and ensuring a total mockery of law and order.
I hope you will intervene @INCIndia,” she added in another tweet.
Ranaut’s office here faced action for “illegal” alterations by Shiv Sena-led Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) on Wednesday.
On Thursday, Ranaut took on the Maharashtra government by castigating Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray for “misusing power” and declaring that her voice won’t be suppressed.