Director Venkatesh Maha and his producer Paruchuri Praveena who made the critically acclaimed ‘C/o Kancharapalem’ have recently released their second project ‘ Umamaheswara Ugraroopasya’ on Netflix which has garnered huge appreciation from all section of the audience.
Now this duo is collaborating for the third time and have announced their next project, interestingly titled ‘Su Mathi’.
It has a tag line which says- An Empire State of Mind.The makers have released the first look poster of this film through their official Twitter account.
The director tweeted, “On this date 4 years ago I found @paruchurimd who believed in my vision & “C/o Kancharapalem” became a reality.So, on the anniversary of our partnership we r announcing our next film.“SU MATHI” – an Empire State of mind…!”
The poster shows an old lady in saree, probably visiting the US for the first time and looks up to the very famous Empire State building on W 34th Street in New York.It is said that several Hollywood cast and crew members will be part of this project.More details will be out soon.