Released in 2008 as a small-budget comedy entertainer, Sai Kiran Adivi’s directorial debut ‘Vinayakudu’ was a surprise hit at the box-office and has also gone on to win a couple of Nandi awards.The film narrates the cute love story of an obese guy and his girlfriend with its caption being “A Big Fat Love Story”.
Almost after 12 years of its release, this film is all for its Hindi remake in Bollywood.The latest we hear is that Sai Kiran himself is going to make his Hindi debut with this film and will roll this project with a noted comedian from the North.
News is also that a noted Bollywood production house is going to produce this remake as well.
The official announcement of this project will be out soon and the film’s shooting will kick-start later this year, once things are back to normal.The Telugu version featured comedian Krishnudu as the fat guy and ‘Happy Days’ fame Sonia playing his girlfriend along with Poonam Kaur in a supporting role.Stay tuned to this space for more updates!