When Matthew Rhys Messed Up His Bond Audition With A Joke

When Matthew Rhys messed up his Bond audition with a joke

Los Angeles, April 22 : Actor Matthew Rhys has added his name to the long list of British actors who, despite their best endeavours, will not be James Bond.

 When Matthew Rhys Messed Up His Bond Audition With A Joke-TeluguStop.com

The star of ‘Perry Mason’ and ‘The Americans’ told The Times of London that he managed to royally mess up his meeting with 007’s producers, back when they were looking for a replacement for Pierce Brosnan, reports ‘Deadline’.

Rhys remembered when he was invited to their office in the centre of London – “Very intimidating.We were just told to wear a dark suit and read Casino Royale.”

The producers asked him what he would do differently with the legendary screen character.

Rhys told The Times: “I just remember going, ‘Ah’.I was so not anticipating that question.And then I was like, is it a trick question? Are they waiting for people to go, ‘I wouldn’t do anything.He’s perfect’?”

And he didn’t think he should say, “Oh, it’s been a bit one-note for a few decades, hasn’t it? I think we can drop the misogynistic jokes,” so he tried a joke.

“I’d give him a limp.I said, ‘Limp?’ Nothing.’Eye patch?’ Nothing.”

Rhys laughed at the prospect of Daniel Craig following him in and answering the same question, “Gritty Reboot? Job done.”

Rhys has fortunately followed his own star, following his breakout part in ‘Brothers and Sisters’, and lead roles in ‘Perry Mason’ and ‘The Americans’.

The latter co-starred Keri Russell, his real-life partner, and the pair has teamed up again for Elizabeth Banks’ 2023 comic horror film ‘Cocaine Bear’.


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