Rahul Gandhi Condoles Demise Of Queen Elizabeth Ii

Rahul Gandhi mourns the his condolences on the death of Elizabeth II, Queen Elizabeth II

New Delhi, Sep 9 : In a tribute to Queen Elizabeth II who died on Thursday night, Congress leader Rahul Gandhi stated that the Queen had an impressive and long reign.
“My sincere condolences to all the citizens of UK as well as the Royal Family on the passing of of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.She enjoyed a long, glorious reign giving her country her all with unwavering dedication and respect,” Rahul Gandhi said in tweet.

 Rahul Gandhi Condoles Demise Of Queen Elizabeth Ii-TeluguStop.com

Congress head Shashi Tharoor said that an time in history ended today.”An time in history is over today.It was inevitable to be a reality one day, but it’s hard to shake a feeling of incredulity.

RIP Queen Elizabeth,” the Congress MP from Thiruvananthapuram stated in tweet.



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