High Bp May Speed Up Bone Ageing, Says Study

High BP can accelerate the process of ageing bones, says study

New York, Sep 8 : A group of researchers have discovered that blood pressure could cause osteoporosis and bone damage.
In laboratory studies conducted on rats, they discovered that, when compared to young mice that did not have hypertension the mice with hypertension induced had an impressive 24 percent diminution in volume fractions of bones.

 High Bp May Speed Up Bone Ageing, Says Study-TeluguStop.com

They also experienced an 18 percent decrease in the size of the trabecular bone, which is a sponge-like structure found at the end of long bones including the spinal column and femurs and a 34 per percent decrease in the force of failure that is estimated which is the capability of bones to resist various kinds of force.

“In contrast the older mice that received the infusion of angiotensin II did not show the same bone loss.

Osteoporosis and high blood pressure are two of the most common illnesses that affect people.Some sufferers can have both simultaneously.

“Bone Marrow is the place where new bone and immune cells are created.We believe that the increased immune cells that are pro-inflammatory in the bone marrow could be causing the destruction of the bone, and weakening it,” said Elizabeth Maria Hennen of Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee in the US.

“By knowing how hypertension can contribute to osteoporosis we may be able to lower the likelihood of osteoporosis and safeguard those who are older in life from suffering from fragility fractures and a poorer quality of life,” she added.

The researchers have compared mice that were young (equivalent human age between 20 and 30) with induced hypertension to older mice (equivalent human age 47-56) with no hypertension to better understand the connection between hypertension and bone aging in accordance with the study that was presented in the American Heart Association’s Hypertension Scientific Sessions 2022 conference.

“Twelve young rats as well as 11 rats older were treated with angiotensin II – an hormone that causes hypertension for six weeks.” the study’s authors said.

“Two other groups of control of 9 mice aged 13 and younger were given buffer solutions that did not contain angiotensin II.The mice did not have hypertension,” they added

After six weeks after six weeks, the bones of rats from all four groups were examined using micro-computed Tomography, an advanced imaging technique.


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