Participating in the 75th Independence Day celebrations at Golconda, CM KCR announced that the Telangana state government would waive off farm loans.The government has already waived crop loans of up to Rs 25,000 to three lakh farmers.“We are waiving crop loans below Rs 50,000 to 6 lakh farmers from tomorrow, and the process will be completed by the end of this month,” CM KCR said.With this, a total of 9 lakh farmers will be debt-free.
On the occasion of Independence Day, CM KCR addressed the people of the state from Golconda Fort.KCR said that the agricultural sector has achieved extraordinary development.It has topped the country with a yield of Rs 3.40 crore.He said that the share of the agricultural sector in the state’s GDP is 20 per cent.
CM KCR said the government would take steps to set up rice mills and other food processing industries in all the nine districts except Hyderabad district to provide additional benefits to farmers.
The TRS government hopes that this will bring in better prices for the agricultural products grown by the farmers and enrich the lives of the farmers.