Apple’s Ar Glasses Development Moved Into Next Phase: Report

Apple’s AR glasses development moved into next phase: Report

San Francisco, Jan 6 : Apple’s widely rumoured augmented reality (AR) glasses prototype has reportedly entered the second phase of development.

 Apple’s Ar Glasses Development Moved Into Next Phase:

In an internal meeting, Apple said the headset may be announced in 2021 and released in 2022, while the glasses are expected in 2023 at the earliest.

Taiwanese suppliers are already ramping up production on optical components for the glasses, reports MacRumors.

In early 2018, Apple began discussions with companies that build components for AR and VR devices, including EMagin – which produces OLED display components for this type of headset.

Analyst Ming-Chi Kuo said Apple had plans to begin mass production of its first augmented reality product between 2019 and 2020.

The headset could resemble the Oculus Quest with a high-resolution display and a lightweight design that makes it comfortable to wear.

The AR headset is expected to sport a sleek design so that it is lightweight and comfortable for the wearer to roam around for prolonged periods.

It’s also expected that the device will sport a high-resolution display, allowing users to read small bits of text while seeing other people in front of them at the same time


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