Shekhar Master, who is well known as a renowned choreographer, is currently acting as a comedy show judge.We know that Shekhar Master, who once acted as a judge for a dance show aired on ETV, is now acting as a judge along with Nagababu for the comedy star Dhamaka show airing on Star Malo.
The show airs every Sunday and is buzzing the audience with its amazing comedy skits.
A promo for the upcoming episode has been released this week.
As part of this promo, Nagababu excitedly played each team leader and contestant.Thus crushing them all with sticks in an attempt to cause a commotion among them.
Comedian Express Hari then got into a scuffle with his team.However, as part of the scuffle, Express Hari Shekhar attacked the master.
Nagababu Express Hari was made to hit him by saying nonsense about Saddam.
With that, Express Hari took the stick and went to hit Saddam.
However, Saddam's capture of Shekhar Master at the time resulted in Saddam's blow to Shekhar Master.Shekhar Master shouted loudly as Express Hari hit him at once.
Everyone on the show was shocked at once.Express Hari Shekhar apologized to the master who came to know about the matter – Comedian Express Hari Beat Shekhar Master Do You Know The Reason telugu-title:శేఖర్ మాస్టర్ ను కొట్టిన కమెడియన్ ఎక్స్ ప్రెస్ హరి… కారణం అదేనా? – Telugu Movies #TeluguMovie #Tollywood #TollywoodNews #TeluguMovieNews #Telugu #TeluguStop | Movie #Hari #Choreographer #ComedianStars #ComedyShowJudge #ExpressHari #Nagababu #Saddam #ShekharMaster #TeamLeader #Movie #TeluguNewsVideos Channel:Telugu Movies