Ram Gopal Varma’s “silent”

Ram Gopal Varma’s “SILENT”

A film is an amalgamation of visual and sound.But it’s the visual which came first into film and sound followed many years later.

 Ram Gopal Varma’s “silent”-TeluguStop.com

The silent film ” The Great Train Robbery” which came in 1903 is technically the first ever feature film and it’s success spearheaded a wave of silent films for the next 25 years and then the first talkie “The Jazz Singer” which came in 1927 ended the era of silent films In India the 1913 film “Raja harischandra started the silent film era which ended with the talkie “Alam Ara”in 1931 and in the south the silent era started with “Bheeshma pratigna” in 1921 and ended with the talkie ” Bhakta Prahlada” in 1932

50 years after they stopped making silent films in 1976 just when everyone thought that since Talkie is a technical advancement there will not be any more silent films, Mel Brooks made a silent film called “Silent Movie” which became a huge success across the world .When a surprised industry asked Mel Brooks why he thought a silent movie can work now,he gave a stunning reply “if people in 1903 could understand a silent film in 1903 what makes you think they will not now?”

Similarly in 1986 Kamal Hasan made “pushpak” 60 years after the last silent film,which again became a huge hit.Since then in the last nearly 30 years no silent film came

It’s widely accepted truth and proved many times over that silence is as effective as sound in film .I was working on the concept of a silent film since long and finally cracked a crime comedy script which I believe will adapt itself very well to the silent film concept…

My film’s name is “SILENT” and it will star actors from all languages and it will also release in all languages since there’s no language to it


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