Esteemed production house “Poornodaya Creations” is back with an upcoming youthful rom-com First Day First Show (FDFS) starring Srikanth Reddy and Sanchita Bashu.“Srija Entertainments” is producing the movie, while Mitravinda Movies is co-producing it.Edida Sriram is presenting the movie.
Director Anudeep KV who delivered a blockbuster with his last movie Jathi Ratnalu has provided story and screenplay of the movie helmed by directors duo Vamsidhar Goud and Laksminarayana Puttamchetty.
The film’s teaser created lots of curiosity on the movie.Today, Natural Star Nani unveiled theatrical trailer of the movie.
While the teaser already disclosed the plotline, the trailer shows us more visuals and content.Our hero gets an opportunity to impress his girlfriend.
She expresses her wish of watching First Day First Show of Power Star Pawan Kalyan’s Kushi.
His tries all possible ways to get the tickets, but all the efforts go in vain.
Then, as a final attempt, he goes directly to the theatre where he sees massive crowd and huge celebrations by fans.The story is all about this guy finally watching FDFS of Kushi with his girlfriend.
Like the plotline, the execution also seems equally good with entertaining and engaging screenplay.Venella Kishore appeared as Pawan Kalyan’s fans association president, wherein Tanikella Bharani played hero’s father.
Srikanth Reddy and Sanchita Bashu looked cool as lead pair.Mahesh, Srinivas Reddy and Gangavva are the other prominent cast.
Director Vamsidhar has also played a hilarious role.His sequence in the end is too funny.
Surely, the trailer took the expectations on the movie to another level.
Radhan elevates the comedy quotient with his background score.
Prasanth Ankireddy is the cinematographer, while Madhav is the editor of the movie.
FDFS is getting ready for its theatrical release soon.
Srikanth Reddy, Sanchita Bashu, Thanikella Bharani, Vennela Kishore, Srinivas Reddy, Mahesh Achanta, Prabhas Sreenu, Gangavva, CVL Narasimha Rao, Vamsidhar Goud and Sai Charan Bojja.
Technical Crew:
Presents: Edida Sriram, Story: Anudeep KV, Producer: Srija Edida, Direction: Vamsidhar Goud, Lakshmi Narayana P, Screenplay: Anudeep KV, Vamsidhar Goud and Kalyan, Dialogues: Anudeep KV, Vamsidhar Goud, Music: Radhan, DOP: Prasanth Ankireddy, Editor: Madhav, PRO: Vamsi-Shekar.