India’s Foreign Currency Reserves Fall By $77 Million

India’s foreign currency reserves fall by $77 million

Mumbai, Dec 17 : India’s foreign exchange reserves inched lower by $77 million during the week ended December 10.

 India’s Foreign Currency Reserves Fall By $77

The Reserve Bank of India’s forex reserves decreased to $635.828 billion from $635.905 billion during the week ended December 3.

India’s forex reserves comprise foreign currency assets (FCAs), gold reserves, SDRs, and the country’s reserve position with the IMF.

On a weekly basis, FCAs, the largest component of the forex reserves, edged lower by $321 million to $572.860 billion.However, the value of the country’s gold reserves rose by $291 million to $38.709 billion.The SDR value fell by $37 million to $19.089 billion, and the country’s reserve position with the IMF slipped by $10 million to $5.170 billion.

India’s foreign exchange reserves dip down by $77 mn

Weekly, FCAs (the largest part of forex reserves) fell by $321 Million to $572.860 Billion.The country’s total gold reserves increased by $291million to $38.709 trillion.
SDR values fell $37million to $19.089Billion, while the reserve balance with IMF dropped $10M to $5.170B.

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