Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister YS Jaganmohan Reddy recently directed the Energy Department to increase hydropower generation to meet future needs in the wake of the coal crisis across the country.He asked the authorities to take steps for reverse pumping power projects construction with a capacity of 6,300 MW, especially the 1,350 MW reverse pumping project at Sileru river.
The Andhra Pradesh state government has directed AP GENCO to focus mainly on the installation of the reversible pumps in the Sileru dam.Currently, the power generation companies are working on grid stabilization, integration with solar and wind power, to provide uninterrupted power supply to consumers.Also, CM Jagan suggested authorities take steps to meet future energy demand.
Sridhar, Managing Director of APGenco, said that it requires about 410 hectares of land to set up a project with a capacity of 1,350 MW.Next to Srisailam and Polavaram projects, the Sileru project tops the list of largest projects in AP.
So far, Topographical survey, hydrographic survey, 76.9 per cent of geotechnical research completed.The Central Government has entrusted WAPCOS Ltd.with the responsibility of obtaining all the permits for the establishment of the project and preparing the Detailed Project Report (DPR).