Mamata Doesn\'t Rule Out \'sabotage\' Behind Her Minor Accident On Wed

Mamata doesn’t rule out ‘sabotage’ behind her minor accident on Wed

Kolkata, Jan 24 : West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Wednesday evening did not rule out “sabotage” behind the minor accident faced by her vehicle in the afternoon while she was returning from Burdwan to Kolkata.The Chief Minister suffered a minor injury on her forehead in the incident.

 Mamata Doesn't Rule Out 'sabotage' Behind Her Minor Accident On

After meeting Governor C.V.Ananda Bose at the Raj Bhavan on Wednesday evening, the Chief Minister, with a small band-aid on her forehead, described the accident while speaking to the waiting mediapersons.

According to Banerjee, the driver of her car applied the break suddenly to avoid collision with a vehicle that came inside her convoy at a very high speed.

Following the application of sudden break, Banerjee’s forehead collided with the dashboard causing the injury.

“I am still feeling a little pain,” the Chief Minister said.

Though refusing to speak in details, Banerjee did not rule out the possibility of sabotage in the matter.

“Sometime one person uses a vehicle registered in the name of someone else.

Sometimes there are cases of misuse of vehicles.You have seen how a man dressed in BSF uniform earlier went to my residence.Let the police investigate the matter.I do not want to speak anything more on this at this moment,” Banerjee said.



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