Joe Biden To Attend Queen Elizabeth Ii\'s Funeral

Joe Biden to attend Queen Elizabeth II’s funeral

By Ashe O Washington 9th, September : US President Joe Biden will be among a number of prominent heads of state expected to be attending the funeral of Queen Elizabeth II The White House confirmed on Friday.

 Joe Biden To Attend Queen Elizabeth Ii's

Biden isn’t the only figure of note who could be expected to be present at the funeral of the Queen.

Foreign heads of state and government, as well as other European presidents, monarchs and prime ministers, are certain to join mourners in the United Kingdom.

The queen, who was 96, died in her residence in Balmoral, Scotland, on Thursday.

Her close family members were rushing to be with her which included her grandson Prince William who is the Duke of Cambridge.

Biden and his wife First Lady Jill Biden, offered their condolences to the Queen’s passing in a lengthy statement released on Thursday.

“Queen Elizabeth II was a stateswoman of unparalleled dignity and steadfastness who strengthened the foundational Alliance between the United Kingdom and the United States.She made our relationship unique,” the Bidens said.

“We offer our deepest condolences to the Royal Family, who are not just mourning their Queen, they are also mourning their beloved mother grandma, grandmother and great-grandmother.Her legacy will be prominent in the pages of British history and in the history of the world around us,” the statement went on.

The son of the late Queen the current the King Charles III, has announced an extended time of mourning in the royal household that will continue for seven days following the funeral of his mother.The details of the funeral will be scheduled to be announced shortly.

Operation London Birdge has already been put in motion and a series of elaborate procedures will be followed throughout the funeral of the Queen seven days from now.

Biden was also the first to issue an order that the flags on the White House and other federal government buildings must fly at half-staff up to the time of the Queen’s funeral according media reports.

The Bidens had been with the Queen Elizabeth II at Windsor Castle in June 2021 just a few months before Joe Biden became the President.The visit was his first overseas tour as the commander in chief.

Buckingham Palace issued a statement on Friday regarding the procedure for mourning royals and explained what citizens can anticipate in the days ahead.

“Following the passing of Her Majesty, the Queen It is His Majesty’s wish that a time of royal mourning is observed from now until seven days following the funeral of Queen Elizabeth II.The time of the funeral will be announced in the future,” the statement said.

The new king is on his way from Balmoral to London on Friday.

There he will meet with newly named Premier Minister Liz Truss.On Saturday, Charles III will be officially proclaimed King following the traditional appointment council.

“The proclamation will be read out by Garter King of Arms with the Earl Marshal, other officers of Arms as well as the Serjeants at Arms.This will be the first reading in public of the Proclamation,” the Buckingham Palace stated in an announcement.

Other proclamations of public importance will be announced in London and around the world.


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