City Police Commissioner Kranti Rana Tata said that special surveillance teams have been set up under the Vijayawada Police Commissionerate to check the thefts committed by the Chedi gang.Chedi said they had come to the conclusion that it was the work of a gang or a partisan gang.“We think it is a gang from Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat and Maharashtra,” CP said.
City Police Commissioner Kranti Rana Tata has focused on the thefts committed by the Chedi gang in the Vijayawada Police Commissionerate since the 29th of last month.
He inspected the railway station along with police officers.The commissioner inspected the areas of Gunadala railway station and Mathura Nagar railway station.
Police questioned laborers from other states at Gunadala railway station.City Police Commissioner Kranti Rana Tata said the Chedi gang was planning to set up batch railway stations in Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat and Maharashtra in the same direction.
Chedi said the gang would be caught soon and special surveillance teams had been set up on their movements.He advised all people residing in the apartment to be vigilant.CP Kranthi Rana,Viajyawada CP Kranthi Rana, Viajyawada CP Kranthi Rana on Cheddy gang,Telugu,Telangana,Andhra Pradesh,Telugu Political News,Telugu Politics,Telugu News,Telugu Political updates,Telugu elections,Cheddy Gang,Crime News,telugu channel,cheddi gang latest news,cheddi gang news,cheddi gang in hyderabad,cheddi gang vijayawada,cheddi gang video
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