New Delhi, Dec 21 : Delhi Police, under the “Nasha Mukt Bharat Abhiyan”, on Wednesday destroyed drugs, weighing nearly 2,900 Kg and valued at more than Rs 1,500 crore, that it had seized in the past seven years.
The contraband was dumped in an incinerator at Nilothi in the presence of Lt Governor, V.K.Saxena and Police Commissioner Sanjay Arora.
The drugs which were destroyed were seized in 65 cases registered between 2015 and 2022 in which a total of 154 accused people were arrested for crimes related to inter-state drug trafficking.
The incinerated drugs included 2,372.830 kg Ganja, 213.697 kg heroin/smack, 22.378 kg crude heroin, 4 kg ketamine, 5 kg pseudoephedrine, 26.161 Kg charas, 3.4 grams LSD, 204 grams cocaine, 32 tabs of Addiso-KN, 39 Bottles Pakvil and 238.652 Kg of psychotropic substances.
The LG expressed his satisfaction over the efforts being undertaken by the Delhi Police to curb the drug menace in the capital.
Addressing media persons, the LG said that whenever a country is progressing, some powers want that country to weaken and they try to penetrate the menace of drugs.
“I laud Delhi Police for tirelessly working to eradicate the drug menace from Delhi.It is a historic day for us,” he said.
A senior Delhi Police official said that effective action is being taken against the drug traffickers by the police.”Beside this, drug disposal of the seized drugs is also an indispensable part of this movement,” the official said.
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