Panaji, December 27, : , Chief Minister Pramod sawant took aim at Aam Aadmi Party’s Trinamool Congress and Trinamool Congress Monday for “banner polluting” politics.He claimed that it was destroying Goa’s beauty. “One of key differences Goa witnesses in this election, is the Banner Pollution initiated by @ArvindKejriwal and @MamataOfficial’s political parties.Sawant posted that stickers were being stuck on public and private property is an act of blatant disrespect for Goa’s beauty and authorities.
“Some are facing defacement complaints of public property.I asked authorities to take action on this threat.He also stated that he was confident that Goans would reject these forces during the forthcoming elections.
The political activities in the coast state are hotting up ahead of 2022’s state assembly elections.
#Goas #Goa #Panaji #Congress #Trinamool Congress #Aam Aadmi