Bollywood’s leading production house T-Series has recently announced a project titled ‘Adipurush’ with Young Rebel Star Prabhas.Om Raut of ‘Tanhaji’ fame will be directing the film which is an adaptation of the Indian epic, Ramayana, that revolves around the triumph of good over evil.
Ever since the film got announced, everyone are eager to know who would play the villain in this historic film and according to the latest update, Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan is all set to play the role of the main villain in this film.Saif Ali Khan was seen in a villain role in Om Raut’s previous film ‘Tanhaji’ as well.
The film will be made on a budget of over Rs.400 crores and will be shot in 3D.This movie will also release in several languages including Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, Kannada, and a few foreign languages.So, it would be solid to see Saif taking on Prabhas and the official announcement on this news is expected soon!