Bengaluru, March 20 : Karnataka BJP MLA S.R.Vishwanath said on Wednesday that if the BJP ticket to contest the Lok Sabha polls from Chikkaballapur is not given to his son, the party should instead consider his candidature from the seat for the upcoming elections.
Speaking to reporters here after returning from Delhi, the MLA from Yelahanka said, “If my son Alok Vishwanath is not considered for the ticket, let the party make me the candidate.
I am also an aspiring candidate for the Chikkaballapur seat.
“There is a wave against former minister K.Sudhakar.Many people feel that he should not be given the ticket.
Alok Vishwanath had started preparations for the elections six months back.Several surveys have also indicated that the ticket should be given to my son.If he is not considered, let the BJP give the ticket to me.We are not ready to leave our constituency for others.”
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