Covid 19: Decreasing Corona Cases In India!

Covid 19: Decreasing corona cases in India!

Corona is slowing down in the country.People are breathing down their necks as positive cases are drastically reduced.

 Covid 19: Decreasing Corona Cases In India!

The corona virus has been around for the past two years.However, the situation seems to be gradually changing.A total of 6,396 new cases of the virus have been reported and 201 people have died from the virus, according to the Union Health Ministry.13 thousand 450 people recovered and the number of active cases was 69 thousand 897.

The total number of cases was 4,29,44,995 while the death toll rose to 5,14,589.The number of those who have recovered from the corona is 4 crore 23 lakh 67 thousand 70.

On the other hand, the corona vaccination process is still ongoing.On Thursday, 24 lakh 84 thousand 412 people were vaccinated.This brings the total number of vaccines distributed so far to 1,78,29,13,060.16 lakh 12 thousand 832 new cases have come to light worldwide.18,98,069 people were infected and recovered.The total number of people infected with the corona virus reached 44,19,90,464.Newly 7 thousand 625 people died.The total death toll rose to 60,00,811.

In 2022, 92% of COVID deaths have been in unvaccinated individuals, Director General of the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) Dr.Balram Bhargava said on Thursday.He added that it’s evident that vaccines and the wide vaccination coverage have played a very important role in protecting hundreds of lives.

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