Nandamuri Kalyan Ram is teaming up with director Pradeep Chilukuri, known for “Raja Cheyyi Vesthe.” He’s known for his versatile acting, having impressed in previous films like “Bimbisara” and “Amigos.” The two are collaborating on a high-budget film that recently had its pooja ceremony.
This upcoming movie is generating a lot of buzz due to its powerful script and the significant role Kalyan Ram is expected to play.It’s jointly produced by Ashoka Creations and NTR Arts and boasts a talented technical crew.
The film features Saiee Manjrekar in a leading role, alongside the veteran actress Vijayashanthi, often dubbed the “Lady Amitabh Bachchan.” Vijayashanthi made a comeback to the big screen with the 2020 hit “Sarileru Neekevvaru” after a 13-year hiatus.
The film’s pooja ceremony saw the presence of notable celebrities from the film industry.
Murali Mohan initiated the camera, and Vijayashanthi clapped the board for the Muhuratham shot, while Muppa Venkaiah Chowdary handed over the script.
Directed by Pradeep Chikuluri, known for “Raja Cheyyi Vesthe,” this film is anticipated to be a career-defining moment for Kalyan Ram.It’s presented by Muppa Venkaiah Chowdary and produced by Ashok Vardhan Muppa and Sunil Balusu.
The cinematography is in the capable hands of C Ram Prasad, with the script penned by Hari Krishna Bhandari.
The film has also secured the services of music producer B Ajaneesh Loknath, known for “Kantara,” to compose the tracks and scores.
Kalyan Ram’s recent works include the fantasy action film “Bimbisara” and the 2023 action thriller “Amigos.” “Bimbisara” was a Telugu industry hit, receiving positive critical acclaim, while “Amigos” had mixed reviews but still attracted audiences, with Kalyan Ram in a triple role.
Currently, Kalyan Ram is shooting for “Devil: The British Secret Agent,” directed by Abhishek Nama, with actress Samyuktha as the lead.The movie explores the journey of a British secret agent as he unravels a dark mystery.