Actor Sonu Sood celebrated his 50th birthday on Sunday, and his fans showed their love and admiration by gathering outside his house in Mumbai despite the rainy weather.They brought gifts, flowers, and even a cake, which he cut with the waiting crowd.
Sonu graciously stepped out to thank his fans for their warm gestures.
Videos surfaced on the internet, showing Sonu waving at his fans from his car and posing for photos with them.
Many fans held placards, bouquets, and banners dedicated to the actor.People praised him as the “real hero” and the “Messiah for commoners” due to his generous efforts in helping others.
Besides his acting career in Bollywood, Sonu Sood became widely known for his humanitarian work during the Covid pandemic.He arranged chartered flights and buses to help thousands of stranded migrant workers, students, and others reach their homes when the lockdown was announced in 2020.
Even after that, he continued to assist people in need, responding to their pleas for help on social media.
Sonu Sood is all set to make his writing debut with his upcoming film “Fateh,” in which he stars alongside Jacqueline Fernandez.
The movie, directed by Vaibhav Mishra, also features Shivjyoti Rajput and Vijay Raaz in significant roles.Additionally, he is currently appearing on the show “Roadies 19, Karm ya Kand.”
Overall, Sonu Sood’s birthday celebration was a heartwarming event, showcasing the immense love and admiration his fans have for him, while also highlighting his selfless efforts in assisting those in need.You can watch the video below.