The CBI on Wednesday termed the Telangana High Court’s grant of bail to T.Gangi Reddy alias Yerra Gangi Reddy, an accused in the murder of Y.S.Vivekananda Reddy as “inherently contradictory” as the court had earlier told the Supreme Court that it supported a plea challenging the grant of bail.
A vacation bench of Justices P.S.Narasimha and Pankaj Mithal was hearing a petition filed by deceased Reddy’s daughter, N Suneetha, challenging the high court order even as it allowed a plea for its cancellation.
The Supreme Court posted for Friday the petition by Vivekananda Reddy daughter Sunitha objecting the TS high court directions in connection with the bail plea for first accused Yerra Gangi Reddy.
In view of TS high court first cancelling the bail of Gangi Reddy and then directing the CBI to grant him bail on July 1 after completion of the investigation process, the deceased’s daughter approached the Supreme Court against the TS high court orders.
Sunitha’s counsel said in the petition that the Supreme Court put a deadline for CBI to complete the investigations by June 30 and Yerra Gangi Reddy, who got bail from the court of Kadapa, was freely moving around.
This could impact on or lead to influencing of the witnesses by him in the case, it was contended.
Following her petition, the TS high court cancelled the bail of Gangi Reddy, who surrendered before the court in the first week of May.
However, the TS high court in its order directed CBI to grant bail to him on July 1.Sunitha again approached the Supreme Court following the TS high court order.
CBI counsel ASG Sanjan Jain observed that the TS high court order was like an eighth wonder.Counsel sought time to file a counter.
The Supreme Court bench posted the case to Friday.