Shashwat Tripathi Shares Similarity Between His Reel And Real Personalities

Shashwat Tripathi has a lot in common with his reel and real people

Mumbai 5th Sep : The ‘Udaariyan’ star Shashwat Tripathi, who can be appearing in the role of Yug in the drama about a family ‘SwaranGhar”, talks about the character he plays and how he connects to his on-screen persona.
“My character Yug has become an integral part of me.In the beginning, I didn’t connect to the character.However, slowly Yug became a fact since I observed numerous similarities between us.And, I have to add that ‘Swaran Ghar’ ‘ is unlike any other.” he said.

 Shashwat Tripathi Shares Similarity Between His Reel And Real

Shashwat believes that with the passage of time relations have changed with the rise of the internet and social media, as well as increased exposure to youth.The show is a reflection of those changes.

“Older generation has a completely different view of life.Family was for them everything.They didn’t have access to this growing world, and life was easy.Today’s generation has a lot of exposure and is a believer in democratic principles that allows us to select the things we feel are appropriate.But that’s also an opportunity to be cursed because life becomes difficult and our minds stumble when we’re not guided in the right direction and wisely,” he explained.

He further explained that despite the generational gap, parents should be given respect and consideration from their children when they are old.

“I believe that no parent are to be treated in an unjust way.They’re the ones that have given us this existence.Sometimes, adjustment is necessary for both parents and children to be able to have a harmonious and harmonious relationship,” he added.

The main message that the show conveys is that the love of parents is unadulterated and far beyond expectations.”I believe that the love of a parent is a product of profound dedication, sacrifice, and suffering.It’s unending and selfless and unending, no matter whatever.The intensity of the affection of parents towards their children is not measured.It is unlike any other love relationship,” concluded Shashwat.


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