This brings the total number of cases to 1,831,344 including 29,909 deaths according to CTV.Quebec, with a population 8.4 million reported 1,982 Covid-19 new cases Saturday morning, while Ontario, with 14 million people, confirmed 1,607 cases.According to Xinhua, both provinces saw an increase in new cases over the week.
1100 people weren’t fully vaccinated in the 1,010 cases of Saturday’s newly reported Quebec cases.There were 464,228, 11,607 deaths and that the total number of cases in Quebec was now at 464.2228.
Seventy-three cases in Ontario were from people unvaccinated, not vaccinated, or whose vaccination status is unknown.
People who had been fully vaccinated were responsible for 864 of the remaining infections.On Saturday, Ontario had a total of 630,671 cases, including 10070 deaths.
Experts say that more vaccines will lead to an increase in the incidence of infection among fully-vaccinated people.
Canada is experiencing an increase in daily cases.
In many places, high rates of infection persist.
According to Friday’s report by the Public Health Agency of Canada, an average of 3.450 cases per day were reported during the week of December 3-9.This was an increase of 22% compared to the previous week.
According to Friday’s national data, an average 1,457 Covid-19-positive patients were treated at Canadian hospitals every day from December 3-9.This was five percentage points lower than the previous week.
While Delta continues to represent the vast majority of recent Covid-19 cases in Canada, as of December 9, there were 87 Omicron cases reported in seven provinces and territories in the country.
The Public Health Agency of Canada released new modeling data on Friday, which showed Covid-19 levels could spike in the coming weeks amid an ongoing wave of Delta infections and the growing threat of Omicron as the holidays rapidly approach.
Omicron is ramping up the push for widespread boosters in Canada, shifting the conversation away from providing added protection to the most vulnerable and toward giving everyone eligible an additional shot to stave off the potential spread of the highly transmissible variant.
As of December 9, Canada had administered over 62.7 million doses of Covid-19 vaccine.
The data indicated that over 81 percent of the total population had received at least one dose of Covid-19 vaccine and over 76 per cent were fully vaccinated.
Among children aged 5-11 years, 17 per cent received at least one dose of Covid-19 vaccine.
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