Telangana Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao said the State, which was successful in creation of wealth, would share the benefits with all sections of its people.The BRS had promised to ensure higher pay scales to its employees compared to Central government employees and would announce the PRC to revise their scales soon.
In his marathon reply to a short discussion on ‘Telangana state formation – Progress achieved in the state’, the Chief Minister claimed that state government employees were the highest paid in the country, more than even those with the Centre.The BRS government enhanced employees’ salaries by 70 per cent in the last nine years, he said.
“I made a promise to state employees during the Telangana agitation that they would get the highest salaries in the new state.I fulfilled the promise,” he pointed out.
The Chief Minister said he would always be keen on sharing the fruits of the improved state economy among different sections, including employees, who, he said, would get an “unbelievable” hike under the next PRC.
Earlier, asserting that the Bharat Rashtra Samiti would continue in power in the State winning the ensuing polls with a bigger mandate, he said the party would improve its tally by seven to eight seats this time.The BRS was no B team to any political party in the country.