Another huge twist has taken place in the murder case of YS Vivekanandareddy, which has created a stir among the ruling and opposition across the AP.A person named Gangadhar Reddy approached Anantapur district SP Fakirappa’s office and stated that he had nothing to do with the Vivekananda Reddy murder case.
Gangadhar Reddy, a resident of Yadiki in Anantapur district, had complained to SP Fakirappa that he was being pressured by YS Vivekananda’s daughter YS Sunita, CBI SI Madakashira and CI Shriram to include YS Avinash Reddy and others in the case.Gangadhar Reddy alleges that YS Viveka’s daughter Sunita and some other followers are threatening him.He said that they are harassing him to say that Avinash Reddy and Shankar Reddy gave him Rs 10 crore money to kill YS Vivekananda Reddy.
Gangadhar Reddy approached the district SP asking him to provide protection to him and his family.
Responding to Gangadhar Reddy’s complaint, SP Fakirappa said that they were investigating.He had appointed DSP as the investigating officer.
It was revealed that the trial would be completed within a week.He also said that he had provided protection to Gangadhar and his family.