Dia Mirza Enjoys Family Vacation in Rishikesh: Fun-filled Moments with Stepdaughter and Son

Bollywood actress Dia Mirza recently went on a family vacation to Rishikesh, Uttarakhand, with her husband Vaibhav Rekhi and their children.

Dia shared some delightful pictures from their trip, giving us a glimpse into their joyful moments.

In one picture, her adorable baby boy Avyaan can be seen enjoying a small water fountain, showing his love for water.Another picture captured the beautiful bond between Dia and Avyaan as they spent quality time together in a pool, both wearing bright smiles.

The highlight of the photos was the third picture, featuring Dias husband Vaibhav and her stepdaughter Samaira.Vaibhav looked handsome in a gray t-shirt, while Samaira chose a camouflaged top.However, Samaira playfully hid her face behind her hair, adding a touch of mystery to the shot.Dia couldnt resist making a light-hearted comment about her stepdaughters antics, jokingly asking if everyone elses 14-year-old is also camera-shy.

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Earlier, for their New Year celebration in 2023, Dia, Vaibhav, Avyaan, and Samaira visited the Panna Tiger Reserve.While the family had a wonderful time amidst the natural beauty, Samaira was not seen in the pictures.


Dia, being a loving mother, explained that her stepdaughter wanted to maintain her privacy and didnt want her photos to be shared on social media.Dia respected her wishes and ensured that Samairas absence from the pictures was understood by their fans.

In an interview with a national media, Dia expressed her gratitude for the opportunities she receives in life, even if it means being away from her children, Avyaan and Samaira.She shared that her one-year-old son, Avyaan, has a love for old music, which intrigues his 13-year-old step-sister.

Dia mentioned that its interesting to observe the bond between an infant and a teenager in their household, as they find ways to connect over small things.

Dia Mirzas family vacation was filled with love, laughter, and precious moments.The actress continues to cherish her role as a stepmother to Samaira and a devoted mother to Avyaan, creating a beautiful blended family dynamic.


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