Vedhika Kumar who made her acting debut with Tamil film titled ‘Madrasi’, later became quite famous with Raghava Lawrence’s ‘Muni’, which was the first part of the ‘Kanchana’ series.She was recently seen opposite Nandamuri Balakrishna in ‘Ruler’ which was a big flop at the box office.
She also recently made her debut into Bollywood with a pacey crime drama titled ‘The Body’, co-starring Emraan Hashmi and Rishi Kapoor in important roles.Jeethu Joseph, best known for the Mohanlal starrer ‘Drishyam’, has directed the film.
Even this film of her turned out to a bomb at the ticketing windows.
In an attempt to get more film offers and salvage her career, she is now using Instagram to attract audiences and filmmakers with some spicy photographs.She recently posted a few pictures posing by the beachside in a multi-colored swimwear showcasing her glamorous side.
On the work front, Vedika is currently having a couple of Tamil films titled ‘Vinodhan’ and ‘Jungle’ under her kitty.Looks like this 31-year-old actress is sending out indirect signals to the producers through her Instagram pictures that she is open for glam doll roles too!