Ram Gopal Varma, the sensational filmmaker who is always in the controversies has announced a movie titled Lakshmi’s NTR and promoted it as a biopic based on the life of the legendary actor SR NTR.The film is certainly going to create a ripple in the film industry but now we have come to know that there is no development in the movie.The producer is said to have backed out of the movie.Rakesh Reddy, the YSRCP leader who came forward to bankroll the movie is now not associated with the project anymore.
In a recent interview, Rakesh Reddy revealed that he is not going to produce the film and added that he will not make the film.Meanwhile, Ram Gopal Varma has sent a press note revealing that Rakesh Reddy allegations are false.
Ram Gopal Varma even mentioned that he wanted to make the film and revealed that he will come up with another update soon.