Rajinikanth advice to Media!

Kollywood Superstar Rajinikanth is having a great Pongal.

Though his film ‘Darbar’ failed to please critics, it left his die-hard fans spellbound.

Many felt that they had got a once in a lifetime chance to witness the vintage Rajini on the silver screen.This time around, his comments on media houses triggered an intense debate across Tamil Nadu.

‘It is the duty of the media to tell what is right, and what is wrong to the public.It isn’t the case where they present milk and water together, asking the people to judge for themselves.

యాక్సిస్ మై ఇండియా క్రెడిబిలిటీ ఇంత ఘోరమా.. ఇన్నిసార్లు ఈ సంస్థ అంచనాలు తప్పాయా?...

All media houses, newspaper publications, critics, journalists, and analysts should be responsible towards the society, and shouldn’t show any prejudice.Few electronic media houses are pro-of a particular party.Similarly few news dailies too.This should change.Everyone should be pro-of the society, and not of a particular party or a leader’, said the actor-turned-politician.


There is every need for the media to be neutral when it comes to telling a story to the public, he added.Rajinikanth advice to media has received immense support from the public.
