5 fruits to be eaten for clear and glowing skin

People say "Dont judge a book by its cover".But we humans form an impression with the very first look.

Dont we ? Yes, we do.Visuals can be deceptive but we have that human nature of judging people by looks.So, how do you want to present yourselves to the new comers into the life? Dont you want to look a dapper with glowing and clear skin? Then have these 5 fruits in your diet.Eat at least one of them in a day.Lemon is the richest source of Vitamin C.You know how good Vitamin C is when it comes cleansing the body inner side.It removes all the toxins including the ones which show negative impact on your skin beauty.

Besides, it also has those bleaching properties which work on acne scars and blemishes.Along with fiber, apple has plenty of antioxidants.An apple every day delays the ageing.

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Both apple and apple cider vinegar work as anti ageing tools.It tightens your skin and also protects it from wrinkles.


It has been proved by many researches, Banana is a very healthy and helpful fruit for human skin.It is loaded with potassium to increase the blood circulation to body parts and Vitamin A, vitamin B and vitamin E for anti ageing.With the presence of fiber and other minerals, it gives a serious glow to the skin.Papaya consists of an enzyme called papain.

It helps to remove the dead cells on your skin.Papaya, if regularly taken, offers a very fresh look as it removes all the dead cells and produce new cells.

Orange is another great source of Vitamin C.Pretty much like Lemon, orange also delays ageing, all thanks to the presence of anti ageing properties.Orange improves the texture of the skin and removes damaged skin cells.