* Penile traction therapy :
In this therapy weight is applied on the penis using special devices called penile traction device.Force is applied on flaccid penis to enlarge it.The penile traction device is made up with plastic support ring, silicon band and two rods.Users are supposed to wear this device (to penis) for 7-8 hours everyday.
This therapy would be continued for 6 months.Results have shown that penis size would increase by 1.7-1.8 centimetres.
* Penis enlargement therapy :
A ligament joints penis to the bone.If this ligament is cut to release the shaft a bit, penis hangs lower and appears to be longer than what it used to be.This therapy would increase the penis size by 1.3-1.5 centimetres.
* Skin flap procedure :
In this method skin flap is used to extend the external portion.In some cases, skin flap procedure is combined with ligament release to obtain 1.2 centimetres enlargement.However, there are too many side effects attached with this treatment.
* Liposuction :
It doesn’t treat the penis directly.Instead the excess fat is removed which makes the penis look much smaller and buried in the fat.Removal of fat makes the penis look longer although there happened no change in the size.
* Talking about other types of treatment, Penile pumps are used to create vaccum and increase the blood pressure in the penis and establish strong erections.An erected penis however looks longer.
Jelqing is massaging the penis and and gasping.In other words, it is also called as milking.
This technique increases blood flow in the penis.