India Has Seen Its Foreign Currency Reserves Fall By More Than $760mn

India has seen its foreign currency reserves fall by more than $760mn

Mumbai, November 19, : .India’s foreign currency reserves decreased by $763 Million during the week ending November 12.
For the week ending November 5, 2016, USD reserves at Reserve Bank of India declined by $640.112 to $640.874 billion.

 India Has Seen Its Foreign Currency Reserves Fall By More Than $

India has forex reserves that include foreign currency assets (FCAs), precious metals reserves, SDRs and its reserve position with IMF.

Weekly, FCAs (the largest part of forex reserves) fell by $2.094 to $575.487 trillion.

The country’s total gold reserve increased by $1.461 to $40.239 million.

However, SDR values were lower at $103 billion to $19.184billion, and the reserve position of the United States with the IMF decreased by $27million to $5.201billion.

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